Roses are Red, Violets are Blue…

This month is National Poetry Month.  After a really nice morning of hard work in the garden  we went into the library. I handed each of the men a sheet of plain white paper and a pencil and asked them to write a poem about their morning in the garden.

Here is what they wrote:





(I told this guy he was a minimalist!)

Had to go to the garden after waking up late

but the fresh air and warm sun felt great

watching these flowers grow all though slow

makes me say woooo

got me thinking I can start my own when I go home

I actually could & would,  just gotta set that goal

Right now my goal is good time,

to go home sooner to seek whats mine

To day was a good day cuz

we had a nice day of work

in the garden and the sun was nice

and the teacher likes it nice


I enjoyed the weather this morning

picking rocks and catching worms

working in the garden is never boring

but it is full of germs

I seen a colorful pretty flower

and ate something sour

wish I could stay out there all day

but instead its just an  hour

Today I worked in the garden

amongst the flowers and butterflies

I tasted rhubarb and kicked it with Ferriss and the guys

I turned my compost pile and it smelled like @#%*

but with the garden its a great big hit

standing out there absorbing the sun

I had no worries, proud of the work I’ve done


Despite the drought….

As I write this it is pouring rain outside which is wonderful as we really need it! But despite the drought we have been in….

Our garden has been doing extremely well all by itself.  The bulb garden is sensational; those little bulbs really know how to store energy all winter!

The Primula we transplant each fall looks bright and fresh!

Look how dry the ground is around these luscious strawberry blossoms…

Despite the lack of rain and snow  and our record high temperatures the garden still knew what to do and it did it well.

The rhubarb just gets taller and taller each week.  Look at how juicy these stems are getting.

Keep posted as we watch these plants grow!